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The State of Residential Apartments in Lebanon: An In-Depth Look at Challenges and Solutions

Posted by Ali Karim on August 30, 2024

Lebanon is currently experiencing one of the most severe economic crises in its modern history, impacting all aspects of daily life, including the residential real estate market. With the Lebanese pound’s value plummeting and the prices of basic materials skyrocketing, securing decent housing has become increasingly difficult for many Lebanese citizens. This article will delve into the current state of residential apartments in Lebanon, highlighting the challenges the market faces and potential solutions.

Impact of the Economic Crisis on Real Estate Since the onset of Lebanon’s economic crisis in 2019, the real estate market has undergone significant changes. With the Lebanese pound losing over 90% of its value against the U.S. dollar, construction costs have risen sharply, leading to increased prices for apartments, particularly those priced in dollars. Conversely, apartments priced in Lebanese pounds have seen a decrease in their prices, but the weakened purchasing power of most Lebanese citizens has limited their ability to benefit from these lower prices.

Supply and Demand The dire economic situation has caused a sharp decline in the number of new residential projects, as developers find it increasingly difficult to secure the necessary financing for construction. At the same time, demand for residential apartments, particularly in major cities like Beirut and Jounieh, has persisted. This imbalance between supply and demand has resulted in a significant increase in rental prices, making it more challenging for individuals to find affordable housing.

Social Challenges In addition to economic challenges, the Lebanese residential market faces social issues. The mass emigration of skilled Lebanese workers has led to a decrease in local demand for apartments, as many seek to escape the dire economic conditions and find better opportunities abroad. This exodus has significantly impacted the local real estate market, leading to an increase in vacant apartments.

Possible Solutions Despite the numerous challenges, there are potential solutions that could help alleviate pressure on the residential apartment market in Lebanon. Among these solutions are:

  1. Encouraging Foreign Investment: Lebanon could attract foreign investments in the real estate sector by offering incentives and facilities to foreign investors.
  2. Stimulating Mortgage Financing: Despite the tough economic conditions, financial institutions could provide flexible financing solutions to help citizens purchase or rent residential apartments.
  3. Expanding Social Housing Projects: Government support for social housing projects could provide a solution for many families struggling with rising housing costs.

In light of Lebanon’s ongoing economic crisis, the residential real estate market requires urgent and sustainable interventions to meet the needs of citizens. Cooperation between the public and private sectors could play a crucial role in providing innovative and sustainable solutions to ease the burden on citizens and stabilize the real estate market.

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